Your donations to Kingdom Living directly support individuals on their journey to recovery and stability. The funds are used to maintain safe and comfortable housing by covering repairs, utilities, and general upkeep. They also provide essential resources such as food, transportation assistance, and basic living supplies. Additionally, donations fund scholarships for those in need, helping individuals who cannot afford the program costs receive the support they deserve. Every dollar makes a tangible impact, helping to transform lives and build a stronger, healthier community.
Our History
What started as a napkin sketch between friends Jessie Goodwin and Mike Madden in 2014, became an opportunity to take over two mismanaged Des Moines area recovery houses in November of 2016. Since then, Kingdom Living Iowa has grown to 15 residences in Polk County, offering 168 beds, with 21 trained employees and a 20,000 sq ft community recovery center located in the heart of Southside Des Moines.
Who We Help
Kingdom Living Iowa helps individuals who are seeking transformation and stability in their lives, particularly those overcoming challenges such as addiction, incarceration, or other life-controlling struggles. The program provides a 12 step-based, structured environment that fosters personal growth, accountability, and community support. Kingdom Living is committed to walking alongside individuals who are ready to make a change, offering them the resources, training, and spiritual guidance necessary to rebuild their lives and step into a purposeful future.
Our Impact
Since 2016 we’ve had the privilege to serve 1,774 residents, coming to us from 25 cities across Iowa. Beyond this, the impact of our program is innumerable. The truest measure comes from understanding that recovery walking in our doors looks very different than recovery walking out of them. Residents come to us sober, that’s really all we ask. Through resources and recovery community support many graduate with careers, custody of their children, mended family bonds, paid debts, reinstated privileges, and completed justice supervision.