All About US

Kingdom Living Iowa currently houses 189 residents (men and women) throughout the  City of Des Moines. In 2024, we served 500 total residents. Our main service is providing  sober transitional housing for people from all areas. We have been providing services since 2016. Most of our residents come from incarceration of some type. The remainder of our residents come from treatment centers and some are homeless when they enroll in  our program. We require twelve step recovery and employment while in our program.  We focus on providing a stable environment, unifying families, and programming to  educate our members.


Recovery Family Success!

Our vision is to create an exceptional recovery community by providing individuals with the opportunity to transform their lives.


  • Recovery (a process of change to freedom)

  • Spiritual Action (selflessly contributing to the well being of others)

  • Unity (harmony in all communities)

  • Impeccability (integrity, reliability, and respect)

  • Financial Stewardship (planning, budgeting, and managing resources ethically)